LED Lighting Upgrade:

Downton Leisure Centre, Salisbury

Expect to achieve 78% energy savings by switching to LED lighting in the sports hall.

downton leisure logo.jpg

Expected results compared to the previous lighting:

  1. Annual CO2 Savings: 0.939 tons

  2. Annual Energy Savings: 2106.67 KWh

  3. Annual Cost Savings: £3126.02

Extra benefits from our LED solution:

  1. Visibility has improved since daylight white light makes the colours and movements more easily perceived by the eye.

  2. Future-proof system

  3. Wire Guards for extra protection from ball strikes

Project: To reduce costs by installing LED in the sports hall.

The Brief -

Downton Leisure Centre in Salisbury, have some excellent facilities on offer for a wide range of sports; including a 35-station gym, a four-court multi-use sports hall, two LTA standard tennis courts and an aerobics studio. The guys over at Downton Leisure Centre have been looking for ways to reduce costs. One of the biggest costs to the centre is electricity. Low Energy Designs were asked to survey the site. One way we could help was to upgrade their existing lighting to efficient and effective LED lighting. We put together a few different options considering cost, power consumption and carbon emissions.

The Solution -

We had to take into consideration that multiple sports would be played in the hall and that equipment could potentially hit the lighting. We installed our SportsOPTIMA which is runs at 220 watts with a lumen output of up to 41508. The SportsOPTIMA is protected by an aluminium guard, thus helping to take the impact of any ball strikes. The guard also helps to minimise the risk of objects becoming trapped within or behind them.

Now Downton have improved light levels, lower electricity bills and they’ve contributed to the environment by reducing their Carbon Emissions!



Downton Leisure Centre - Tennis Hall


South Devon College